Chair of the City Club of New York's Preservation Committee, Francoise Bollack (A.I.A., D.E.S.A.), testified to the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission ("LPC") with informed and specific recommendations to further good governance surrounding applications for work on historic properties. Listen to her full testimony here. (May 2023)
Recommendations to improve transparency: Notices of application sent to community boards should be sorted by interior or exterior work to facilitate evaluation by interested parties; at present the unsorted notices are cumbersome to navigate.
The City Club of New York recommends that LPC Commissioners fulfill responsibilities by periodically evaluating staff reviews
Self certification of building safety: The City Club of New York opposes self certification on grounds of potential for abuse and danger to life. Independent third party building inspection is critical for safety.
Sworn statements: The City Club of New York supports continued requirement that building owners submit sworn statements. Requiring sworn statements is not burdensome, and no public purpose is furthered by permitting the submission of unsworn statements.
Public review is appropriate for sec 212 & 221 installations (greyscale coverings, HVAC, mechanicals, etc)
City Club of NY supports use of solar panels for green energy, but as a matter of procedure in this developing area of technology the use should be under public review to ensure best practices are used as they emerge.